Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Juliette Shawl Journal

The ugly stream-of-consciousness journaling that was the Juliette Shawl.
Note: Don't follow the pattern edits below. They're wrong.

14 Sep 2012 - day 1
I won't be intimidated by the price-tag on all this lovely yarn; I won't. Much.
Totally agree with comments I've seen about this pattern: It's confusing and could be better-written.
Yup. 12 rows and frogged. I ended up with 79 stitches and couldn't figure out how to get to 85 without messing up the pattern significantly. No confidence that if I re-knit and and frog again that this yarn can take being knit a third time.

16 Sep 2012 - day 3
This is an additional-faith-required pattern. Not terribly complex, but you do have to pay attention, and it always feels like you're doing it wrong, even when you're following instructions. Have faith; if you follow the instructions, you'll be okay. Probably.

According to the math, there cannot be a net increase or decrease in the pattern stitches, except through the increases on either end. So, if you end the pattern stitches with a one-stitch increase that has not been balanced by a one-stitch decrease, you'll have to account for that later. For example, I had a one-stitch increase at the end of round 4 that I had to account for with a net loss of one stitch in row 8.

Row 4 ended in the middle of the K5 after a YO, giving a net gain in the pattern stitches.
Row 8 ended in a k2tog, but with only one pattern stitch available. So, I worked the double-decrease and because I had an extra stitch from row 4, I omitted the increase that would have balanced the double-decrease, and worked the remaining stitch as a K1.
Row 10 ended in the middle of the 2nd K5, which would leave a net loss of 1 stitch, so I omitted the decrease prior to the K5, and worked remaining stitches as knit stitches.

Row 4 should read: K3, M1, work Pearl Scallop Pattern to last (5?) stitches, end K2, M1, K3
Row 6 should read: K3, M1, work Pearl Scallop Pattern to last (10?) stitches, end yo, K5, SSK, M1, K3
Row 8 should read: K3, M1, work Pearl Scallop Pattern to last 14 stitches, end YO, K5, SSK, YO, SK2P, YO, K1, M1, K3
Row 10 should read: K3, M1, work Pearl Scallop Pattern to last (16?) stitches, YO, K5, SSK, YO, SK2P, YO, K4, M1, K3


Row 20 should read: K3, M1, work Pearl Scallop Pattern to last 7 stitches, K4, M1, K3
Row 22 should read: K3, M1, work Pearl Scallop Pattern to last 11 stitches, YO, K5, SSK, K1, M1, K3
Row 24 should read: K3, M1, work Pearl Scallop Pattern to last 15 stitches, YO, K5, SSK, YO, SK2P, YO, K2, M1, K3
Row 26 should read: K3, M1, work Pearl Scallop Pattern to last 19 stitches, YO, K5, SSK, YO, SK2P, YO, K2TOG, K4, YO, M1, K3 (the YO at the end is to balance the un-avoidable K2TOG in this row.)


Day Umpty-nine:
Row 37, frogged back to row 30. I had forgotten to do all the increases on row 31. On the plus side, it was in a silk-mohair bit that I had to frog, and it was pretty easy to frog down to the correct row without losing a stitch. Thank God it wasn't in the sequins bit. I truly hate this pattern.


June 6 2013

I'm frogging it all. I was at row 41. I can't see a discernible pattern. I'll re-write the pattern, use the markers, etc.

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