New year's Knitting Resolutions.
I think that generally speaking, I'm good about making resolutions and sticking to them (cut down on sweets; bark less, wag more; be more active), but I don't think that's as true when it comes to fiber.
To that end, I think I'll prioritize this list - the stuff that's most likely to happen and most important to me first, then the other stuff. Wish me luck!
1. Finish or frog some UFOs. That cable wrap could be second, right after the yoga wrap for finishing. The swimsuit cover-up needs to be frogged - I should look for a pattern and re-start instead of trying to wing it. Or use the yarn for something else entirely. The black sock-yarn wrist-warmer needs to be frogged.
2. Do a sweater. First I'll do a vest, I have a pattern and yarn picked out already, then I'll start with kids sweaters - at least then I won't have to knit all the way through an adult sweater, only to find I made two left sleeves. ;)
3. Dye. I've been wanting to do that forever. That yarn from the swimsuit cover-up would be perfect for a start.
4. Make a 10-projects list, and stick to it. Build in space for the "ooh, I could just whip this up real quick" projects. four Christmas stockings; vest; three sweaters; one top; two hats; charity hat; charity baby (cat or dog) blanket; warm-up-America squares; more face cloths; another yoga wrap... gosh. That's already way more than ten. We may be in trouble.
5. Go to that museum meeting and learn to spin.
6. And for the love of Pete, blog more!